Katie Blomberg is the owner of Her-Elevated, a fitness studio located in midtown on the corner of S and 28th street. Blomberg started her fitness journey when she was working an office job that required sitting at a desk; wanting to be more active, she started a small stair running group in 2015, motivating her to get certified as a fitness trainer.
After gaining her certification, Blomberg worked in multiple fitness studios; one of these studios is now Her-Elevated. Blomberg had the opportunity to lease the space in late 2018 and opened in January 2019.
The name Her-Elevated came to Blomberg on her Maui trip, where she discovered that she had elevated herself by overcoming her difficulties and becoming a better version of herself. Fitness helped her in that journey, and she also wants to help other women feel the same way.
Blomberg would like people to know that she shares the same struggles even though she may not verbally communicate them. A business can be stressful, but her space is for others to come and have the time for themselves.
Motto: "Yes, you can! Wake up and live"- we often forget to live with more intention.
1900 28th St, Sacramento, CA 95816